Saturday, August 4, 2012

Looking at the bright side: The Ideal Man

Nobody is perfect. We make mistakes and flaws. We've been hated because of what we do, what we wear,  what we say, what we believe, and etc.Why not know our story before judging? Why not reflect with us? Why not see our bright side?

People can be satisfied but always not contented. Looking for better and best. Like, finding for partner. Having a great partner may satisfy you, but you are still looking for the greatest.

Let me introduce the ideal man for me. He drinks alcohol, he gets involve in fights, he entertains girls who like him, he goes to clubs, he says harsh things, and he doesn't have common sense. 

Why did I say that he is the ideal man for me? Because I know his story and of course I am seeing his bright side. I didn't judged him based on what he does, what he says and what he believes.

He is a social drinker. He drinks with us, with his friends. He sends drunk friends home with his car. There's an instance that he doesn't have his car with him, and all of us were drunk. We ride a cab. Me and our two friends were sleeping that time. He's the only one awake. I felt like I'm about to vomit, he told me to exchange seat with him because he was sitting beside the window. Again, I felt like I'm about to pee. That was really an embarrassing and unforgettable moment for me. He told the taxi driver to stop at the gasoline station. He escorted me to the comfort room. Unfortunately, the comfort room for the girls was locked, the comfort room for the boys doesn't have a door. "I have to pee..." He told me to pee on the floor, at the corner of the boys' comfort room, he covered me while peeing. 

He fight for his friends. He doesn't throw the word "friend" easily. But once he told you that you are his friend, he really mean it. He doesn't care even he would get bruises from the fight that may ruin his pretty face.

He is a solid entertainer. LOL. He's always asking me for my girl friends. But not to be his partner, but to be his friends. My friends got really excited to meet him. The face and body, skin complexion, the eyes and the smile, are all his assets. My friends went crazy over him, but since he doesn't want to hurt people, he never give the girls reasons to expect something from him. 

He goes to clubs with us. We needed a companion, so he's going with us. He's just one text away. 

He is one of the kindest person I know. He doesn't leave you when you need him. Says sorry if he knows that he was wrong. He doesn't give you a reason to worry about him. Always telling the truth, he won't lie to impress you. He understands well, always thinking that there's a reason. He'll be asking if you're okay with this and that, he won't do anything opposing your decisions. If something bad happens, he'll send you a message or call you. He thinks about his family and friends before him. That's a man.

I'm not saying that he was the ideal boyfriend, I'm saying that he was the ideal man.

My friend, my brother, Maurice Quinones.